Famous Standards


  1. QMS defines customer satisfaction as a customer’s perception of the degree to which the customer’s requirements have been fulfilled. This definition clearly shows that customer satisfaction is a subjective judgment of whether their requirements (not the contractual obligations) are fulfilled. It also points out that customer satisfaction is not a yes/no issue, but a range of different levels of satisfaction.

    Another aspect should be taken into consideration. Namely, it’s not always the case that the client who does not complain is a satisfied client, and the one who complains is a dissatisfied customer. On the contrary, very often unsatisfied customers don’t complain directly to the provider, but complain to their friends and relatives, which constructs negative image for the provider, i.e., for your company. On the other side, there are clients who might complain directly to the company even in cases when they are generally satisfied by the service/product, but they want to get something more, such as additional features. If these complaints are handled properly, these customers, or even the most dissatisfied customers, can end up having a positive attitude regarding your company. Additionally, you can use the complaints from the customers as feedback for improving your business (through improving your operations, employees, suppliers, etc.).

    ISO 9001 Certification states that “the organization shall monitor information relating to customer perception as to whether the organization has met customer requirements” as one indicator for the effectiveness of the quality management system.
    Lead Auditor Course in Coimbatore


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